Our School Board

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The administrative body of Ephesus Jr. Academy is a School Board, which is elected by the church. The School Board meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM during the school year.   The members of the School Board are chosen for their consecration, their belief in and loyalty to the principles of Christian education, their good judgment and tact, their experience in school matters, and their financial judgment and ability. They believe in and have a willingness to follow denominational education policies and recommendations.

The Pastor of the church is a member of the School Board. The principal of the Academy is also a member of the Board.  Some members of the Board are parents of children who attend or have attended the Academy, so that the Board may profit from parental viewpoints and counsel, which result from close-up observation and experiences. The officers consist of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer and recording secretary. The principal of the school is generally appointed as secretary of the Board. The Executive Board consists of the Pastor, Chairperson, Principal and Treasurer.

The 2023-2024 School Board Members are as follows:

Elder Victor Bartley - Pastor
Mrs. Patricia Fulton  is the  Principal at Ephesus Jr. Academy.  She also teaches grades Kindergarten - 2nd grade
Mr. Bravett Lyles - is the Chair, he is a retired administrator of Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools and an elementary teacher for 14 years.  
Ms. Nola Chandler - Treasurer
Mrs. Sharon Roey - Home & School Leader
Mr. Rinard Howard  -  He is a proud former student of Ephesus Jr. Academy.  He has a B.S. degree in Health Sciences and a master's degree in Healthcare Administration from Washington Adventist University.  
Mrs. Brenda Lyles is a retired employee of Winston-Salem State University Early Childhood Development Center.  She held that position as lead teacher for 10 years and assistant director for 11 years.  
Ms. Dendra Marcus - School Board Secretary
Mrs. Doris Lyles - Member
Mrs. Joann Spurgeon - Member
Mrs. Ernestine Swift is the education secretary for Ephesus Jr. Academy.  She is a retired educator of Winston-Salem Forsyth County School (WSFCS) and is a passionate advocate for Christian education.